Top 10 Blogs from 2022 - Trust Point
Top 10 Blogs of 2022 Blog

2022 was an exciting year filled with many fascinating insights. Here we have compiled our 10 most popular blogs from 2022.

1. 4 Common Types of Trusts Compared (Pros & Cons)

When organizing your estate plan, many consider creating a trust. A trust is a common alternative or companion to a will and involves giving another party authority to handle your assets for your beneficiaries. If you’ve ever considered setting up a trust for your estate plan, you may know that there are a variety of trusts out there with different stipulations and purposes.

Learn more about various types of trusts.

2. Annuity vs Mutual Fund: Which Is Right For You (Pros & Cons)

When it comes to annuities vs. mutual funds, Americans—particularly retirees—have historically been buyers of variable annuities. But lower tax rates on profits from the sale of investments have resurrected an old debate: are taxable mutual funds a better investment for accumulated savings than variable annuities? Lower capital gains tax rates certainly make many taxable mutual funds more attractive. But, are variable annuities still a suitable option for some investors seeking retirement income?

Read about some of the differences.

3. Financial Planning Checklist: Get Set For 2023

Just like physical health, financial wellness requires routine attention. Each year, you should review your assets and liabilities to accurately understand your current financial picture. This will help you define realistic and appropriate goals that span short, intermediate and long-term time frames. These goals will guide how you create or adjust your budget to support your financial success.

Here’s a checklist to help you get started assessing where you stand today, so you can get to where you want to be tomorrow.

4. The Risk of Missing The Best Days in the Market

Since 1980, the S&P has had over 10,000 trading days. However, if you only miss a small fraction of the best days the impact can be material. Said another way, the cost of trying to time the market can be high.

View this chart that helps show the risk of missing the best days in the market.

5. Webinar: May 16th, 2022

Trust Point’s investment team shared insights on May 26th, 2022 on the rapidly changing market during a live webinar.

Watch the webinar replay.

6. Social Security Split Strategy – Solving the Social Security Puzzle (2022 Update)

When to start receiving Social Security retirement benefits is an important decision, especially when you consider retirement could span 20 years or more. One recent study from United Income found that just 4 percent of retirees start their Social Security benefits at the optimal time. 

Find out how retirees can assess when to collect benefits?

7. When to Retire: Pros & Cons of Retiring at Different Ages

Retirement is often a long-awaited dream. Unstructured days, the freedom to do what you please — these are just a couple of the perks of saying goodbye to your desk job. While it’s alluring to leave the workforce, you may wonder when exactly that day should come.

Learn about some pros and cons of retiring at different ages.

8. Market Insights: June 17, 2022

Yan Arsenault, CFA® CAIA®, Chief Investment Officer at Trust Point, Inc. shared the latest market insights during a webinar on June 17th, 2022.

Watch the replay.

9. Outlook on Ukraine Attacks

During the unfortunate unfolding of events in Ukraine, our team provided a few comments on the markets as that is our area of expertise, not to understate the humanitarian fallout. 

Learn More.

10. Planning for End of Life Financial Arrangements – 5 Steps To Take

End of life financial planning isn’t the happiest of topics – but a necessary one to discuss. After all, you don’t want to leave your family or other heirs out in the cold should something happen to you unexpectedly and you aren’t there to provide for them.

Learn more about how end of life financial planning will help with crucial life decisions, such as estate distribution, trust transfers, funeral expenses and much more.

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