Making sure the financial security you’ve built is preserved well into the future, for both you and generations of loved ones, is what our trust services are all about. We put your objectives first and develop a roadmap to achieving them, leaning on time-tested experience and expertise. We handle the hard work so you don’t have to. Creating a lasting legacy has never been so easy.
Trusts are our namesake for a reason. We started as a trust company over 100 years ago and in that time, we’ve developed a variety of trust services and best practices that have led our clients to their financial goals. We are constantly keeping ourselves up to date on the laws and regulations that could impact your trust, so we can communicate with you on how to address any challenges that you may face when it comes to your financial management and security.
We want to help you not only establish and build your trust, but also maintain it. Our team works to ensure that even the most complex trust is administered appropriately. Trust Point has a team of highly experienced professionals, and as a corporate trustee we offer the following advantages:
As a fiduciary, we will prudently invest the assets of the trust in the best interest of the beneficiary(s). All our investment strategies are tailored to each client’s specific needs and wishes.
Working with trusts can be a complicated and daunting process. We are an independent fiduciary bringing neutrality and objectivity to save your loved ones from dealing with the complexities. We do the heavy lifting, providing both expertise and assurance, while helping to maintain the family harmony.
When it comes to the administration and investment of a trust, we take on the responsibility. From complying with legal requirements to keeping detailed records, we will give you peace of mind knowing your trust is being maintained.
A trust may last a lifetime or longer. Age, illness, or death can prevent an individual from fulfilling the duties of trustee. Trust Point has served beneficiaries for over a century. We provide stability and uniformity from generation to generation.