401(k) Plan Benefits for Employees | Trust Point | La Crosse, Eau Claire, Minneapolis

Giving You the Tools to Build Your Future

No matter what stage of life you are in, planning for retirement is important. At Trust Point, we want to help you maximize your benefits, whether you are just starting out in your career, or finishing your time in the workforce. For many, 401(k) planning can be confusing and challenging. Trust Point provides a two-pronged solution that involves in-person relationship building and a wide range of tools and resources.

Knowledge Is Power

It’s important to us that you understand all aspects of your 401(k) plan. Your employer’s plan has a dedicated specialist who can help untangle retirement planning complexities and answer common questions. We also offer multiple web-based resources, as well as guidance through our Emerj360 division, that can help educate you about your plan. Some of those resources include:

  • Our Financial Resource Center, which provides tools, calculators, videos, checklists and more to help you along your financial journey.
  • Our Retirement Rollover Options guide, which can help you make the right decision when you leave your employer.
  • For other FAQ sheets and videos that address all aspects of your retirement planning, visit Emerj360.
person using a laptop
Business Woman Taking Notes


• Simple-step videos for understanding retirement savings.
• Risk-tolerance questionnaires to help you evaluate your needs.
• Other FAQ sheets and videos that address all aspects of your retirement planning.

News & Insights

Smiling group of employees

The Importance of Investing in Your Employees’ Financial Wellness

In today’s fast-paced world, financial stress is an overwhelming burden many employees carry with them every day. It is not just about...
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Retirement Strategy After a Job Loss

Few events are more stressful and disruptive than an unexpected job loss or layoff. Beyond the financial strain, it can also take...
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Brenna Johnson | Trust Point Eau Claire, WI

Personal Financial Planning: 3 Steps To Build Your Perfect Plan

How to create a plan and stick to it for a stable financial future. Proper personal financial planning is the bedrock for...
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Working in Your Best Interest

As a fiduciary, we will always put our clients first. Our team of professionals is highly experienced and will provide detailed expertise on your best path forward. It’s never too late, or too early, to plan for your retirement. Contact one of our professionals today to get the information you need to plan for your future.

Business meeting with smiling attendees discussing 401 k plans
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