The Trust Point Young Professionals* group met in Rochester on May 16th for their second quarterly event of 2023. Each quarterly event features time to volunteer in the community and learn about various topics to enhance member’s leadership skills. The theme for this quarter’s meeting was confident communication.
The Young Professionals gathered at the Rochester Area Foundation for their day of volunteering and workshops on personal growth. They were joined by guest speaker Andy Slain who shared his work on the “12 Behaviors for Growth.” Following Mr. Slain’s presentation, the Young Professionals worked together to practice and familiarize themselves with elevator pitches, as well as provide updates on the current Long Range Plan the group is working towards.
After enjoying lunch together, the Young Professionals were fortunate to have a large group discussion with Trust Point’s Bill Bosch, President and CEO, Kent Handel, Chairman of the Board, and Regina Siegel, Vice President of Organizational Development. This dialogue focused on the importance of communication and the skills required to effectively give and receive feedback.
The group then participated in their volunteer activity for the day. They were busy making 60 handmade greeting cards and tie-blankets for the residents of the Meadow Lakes Senior Living Center. They ended the day with the opportunity to converse with and personally deliver the cards and blankets they made to the residents.
*The Trust Point Young Professionals Group (TPYP) provides leadership development and volunteering opportunities for Trust Point’s young professional staff members.
Written by Leanne McMahon: Trust Point Young Professionals Group member