The Trust Point Young Professionals* group met in La Crosse on Tuesday, August 8th for their third quarterly event of 2023. Each quarterly event features a theme that’s aimed to enhance member’s professional skills, as well as time to volunteer in the local community.
First, the group began the day at the Black River Beach Neighborhood Center, where they reviewed what was covered during the second quarterly event in May. Members were able to reflect on how they’ve applied the communication concepts that were learned, as well as what they still wish to improve on moving forward.
The group then dove into this quarter’s topic, which focused on creative problem solving. To start, members broke out into small teams and were given limited time to create the tallest structure possible out of tape and spaghetti, with a marshmallow resting on top. Teams enjoyed the collaboration and problem-solving aspect of this icebreaker and several groups produced creative results!
Next, the group was joined by President and CEO, Bill Bosch, and Chairman of the Board, Kent Handel, who shared scenarios they’ve encountered throughout their careers. The Young Professionals were able to converse regarding these real-life scenarios and share how they might respond in such situations. Attendees also learned about several exciting company updates to expect in the future!
In the afternoon, the group prepared for their upcoming Long Range Plan (LRP) event, in which they will collaborate and further expand on the strategic vision of the group. Members were able to share how they’ve grown as a result of current LRP, as well as practice some techniques for drafting the new LRP, which will happen this fall.
To conclude the day, members volunteered at the Hunger Task Force (HTF), where they were able to give back to the La Crosse community. One group focused primarily on planting and weeding at the Kane Street Garden, whereas the other group assisted in the HTF Warehouse with organizing, stocking, and sorting food items.
The group looks forward to convening again in October for the fourth quarter event!
*The Trust Point’s Young Professionals group is comprised of Trust Point employees under the age of 35, who are dedicated to enhancing their leadership skills and preserving Trust Point’s legacy of excellence.