Paying it Forward - Trust Point

Paying it Forward

Many of us have heard the term, “Pay-It-Forward.” It’s great to see more and more of these gestures in our day-to-day lives, despite how hectic and fast paced our world can be. A few years ago, Trust Point decided to create its own Pay-It-Forward initiative for its employees. Each month an employee’s name is drawn at random.  They are given $200 to use towards a random act of kindness or charitable organization they choose.

One employee helped a church-family that needed basic essentials like groceries and hygiene products. Another used the money to purchase food for a local food pantry.  And another used the $200 to purchase school supplies to local elementary students. That employee shared their story on social media which lead to an additional $600 from friends and family who also wanted to contribute to the cause.

Trust Point has a heart for the communities in which we serve and giving back is just part of the foundation of our history.


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